
Sports Medicine is a medical specialty that is based on treating problems related to the practice of physical activity, both in recreational sports and in competitive and high-performance sports. Its goal is to monitor the effects that physical activity has on the body, both physiologically and locomotorly. It is also used as a preventive and therapeutic tool in certain cases.

At the Academy, we also have a team of professionals specializing in sports medicine who are in charge of carrying out a personalized follow-up of all our players.


Imagen: https://images.neobookings.com/cms/rafanadalacademy.com/section/general-medicine/pics/general-medicine-03ly65neqv.jpeg 


Still don't know our Health Packs?

The HEALTH PACKS of the Rafa Nadal Academy by Movistar offer a comprehensive and multidisciplinary service to promote the best medical conditions for playing sports, implementing healthy sports habits and providing a quality response to possible injuries.

Our agreement with the Quirón Salud medical center ensures we have the best professionals in the sports and health field at our disposal, as well as state-of-the-art technology for the detection of injuries and the application of advanced sports physiotherapy techniques.

We offer different health and wellness experiences to meet the needs of all our customers. Find out more!


Imagen: https://images.neobookings.com/cms/rafanadalacademy.com/section/general-medicine/pics/general-medicine-8gep7vge4n.jpeg

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Método exclusivode entrenamiento
Trainning físicoPersonalizado
Entrenamiento mentalalto rendimiento